Friday 8 February 2013

I've hit rat bottom?


After a few beers down yonder pub this evening, I travelled in some thoughts I'd had this week about writing, language and communication. I love to write weather silly notes, letters, or post-its but began wondering about the value of the things I write, who reads them, and what exactly is my point? I think these reflections may take some time to arrive at their fruition- But, if anything, I am inspired by playful use of text, language + image, and narrative (constructed or otherwise). These are all areas of exploration within themselves. I know somewhere in my beer clouded brain there is a focus and a link within which I write about stuff, and share things, and that, I think derives from my interest  in people and the world around me. So I thought Id share with you these collectionaries I made this week, and some constructed poetry from found text...

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