Friday 22 February 2013

He kept it in his mouth, it was after all, magic...

Today we visited a little animal/nature reserve in Mosley (of all places- who knew!) Even though the weather was excruciatingly cold, it was lots of fun. I have a newly discovered favourite animal-otters! ah- how lovely they are with their cheeky little teeth, and their chunky tails. Their eyes like little jewels, sometimes twinkly with mischief and sometimes gently closed peacefully. I liked them TEN! I took a few photos, but they move quickly! One of them had a little pebble, that would be kept in its mouth or clacked against other pebbles- I liked this a lot, It must have been a magic pebble I decided, maybe given to him by the eldest otter of the land, or found on an adventure in a deeply deep river... here are some drawings I made of the cheeky little otters...

I left my sketchbook at work! So I made this one super-quick out of some graph paper, and my sewing machine!

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