Sunday 9 June 2013

Grass Windows

Being the romantic that I am, I have been looking to the blue skies to find all the answers to my questions. I realise however, that I have no answers but I do have more questions. Which is perfectly acceptable if not a little exhausting. I have also been watching lots of Woody Allen films, which seems to be fuelling lots of unusual inner dialogue. These things have been filtering into writing for some silkscreens I intend on working on this summer. I'm looking at the world through Doigian filters, dreampop flash and Iron & Wine lyrics (Grass Windows) 'Like we finally saw the colours of the world'.

I hope the sun stays, I like the shimmery yellow in my eyes and there's just something about bare feet on warm grass that will always make me feel like an excited child on caravan holidays in Dawlish. 

These are the real treasures of life.