Monday 1 April 2013


I love stationary, I like sending real mail, I like receiving real mail, I like the visual language of post, stamps and hand writing. Maybe its that we see less and less of it, but there is nothing like waking up to a surprise someone has chosen and taken the time to send to you. Its wistful and romantic, I know. It conjures memories of excited birthday mornings, waiting for letters from pen pals in France (does anyone have those anymore?), and hoping to god I can decipher the mystery of a different language. Letter sending is timeless, and it says so much more than a sign off 'sent from my iphone', don't you agree? I found some ultra cool geometric inspired stationary from present and correct. I love everything about this site, its clean, fresh and oozes school-day-vibes; passing notes to your best friend about what tazzo's and marbles you were going to swap at play time, chocolate cake and custard and the sound of twanging wooden rulers on your desk.