Saturday 29 September 2012

I always knew it was about the stuff!

Last weekend I went to see Thomas Heatherwick at the V&A- I have to say it was one of the most inspiring exhibitions I have ever seen for a number of reasons. One thing that stuck with me, and is still swirling round my brain was the fact that the work shown was made from an interest in stuff. I use the word stuff purposefully because it really was about exploring the limits of materials, and also the idea that one action can change the dynamic of a shape, thing, or material. i.e the crushing of a piece of paper radically transforms not only the physical qualities of the material, but also its functionality. The result of the one action has such a radical impact on the final 'product'. Just this alone has had me thinking all week about my relationship with materials and the process of making. I came away feeling relieved as I think sometimes design has this reputation of being about 'heavy concepts', but actually its always (for me) been about stuff. Touching stuff. Playing with stuff. Seeing what happens when you do stuff to stuff. There was also this little bit of text I read and to summarise it said that design was not about 'desining' but about choosing. From now on I think im going to worry less about the end result and play more with stuff.

Monday 3 September 2012