Friday 30 December 2011

Life is a mountain and I am a mountain goat...

Hey Hey... the weather outside is frightful (theres a song in that somewhere) today, and thought I would update with some nice things I have found whilst staying in out of the rain!

Helen at orangeyoulucky inspired my little dampened soul with these lovely goat illustrations... 

mostly I like his happy face...

I also found this white jar with blue and black sixties print was made by Dutch earthenware brand Adco on Etsy in Hunters Kitchen.  I instantly loved it as it reminded me of cermics my great grandma used to make rice pudding in, as a child- this was my happy thought of the day.

and these tea cups stole my heart with the colour and pattern. I particularly love this kind of blue.

 I hope you all got some lovely gifts for christmas, I got given some really beautiful handmade gifts from friends that I will post about at a later date.

Have a peaceful new year xx

Friday 23 December 2011

I fell in love with...Bonbi Forrest

I found these beautiful cards on Bonbi Forest earlier and I thought they were charming. Ive been collecting little prints for a while now, and these are joining my collection!

... theres lots of other beautiful things on the website for you to look at from jewellery to clothing, so have a peep!